This Is What Intuition Feels Like

How to make the difference between fear, hope, and intuition

Maya Sayvanova
4 min readDec 4, 2019
Photo by 胡 卓亨 on Unsplash

I think I was 15 when I first misinterpreted intuition. I was wondering if a boy liked me and I read this advice:

If you feel that he likes you, then your intuition is probably right.

I did feel like he likes me, so I went ahead and admitted my feelings. I thought he was just shy, you know.

He said something about us being friends, and a week later, he started going out with one of my friends.

The funny thing is, I wasn’t at all surprised by his response.

Why did I rush to admit anything?

Did my intuition purposely deceit me?

I forgave it that little glitch, and since then, I tried to rely on it time and time again: on choosing a college major, on choosing jobs, on choosing men, on making big and small decisions.

Sometimes it helped me, sometimes it failed me, and I couldn’t figure out what the problem was.

Why was my gut feeling so unreliable?

It wasn’t until I turned thirty that I finally saw a trend. I noticed how I felt before making the right decision and before making the wrong one. I started “predicting” the future and acting…



Maya Sayvanova

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