Quantity Leads To Quality: In Writing, Business, Everything.

Forget the quantity vs quality way of thinking.

Maya Sayvanova
4 min readFeb 4, 2022
A woman drawing on a cluttered desk.
Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

I have a friend who wants to be a copywriter.

She’s taken four different copywriting classes, has written a couple of projects for free for friends, and has asked me a million questions.

But she has yet to work with an actual client because she wants to be able to deliver perfection.

I know most of you aren’t that extreme. Whatever you want to do, you’ve probably started already. You’ve posted your first stories; you’re offering your services online, you’ve created online courses or other digital products to sell.

Still, whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or in the middle, you’ll face this dilemma sooner or later (or repeatedly): should you deliver quality or quantity?

Should you only write two great stories per week or five not so great ones?

Should you only sell one course for now so that you can make it great and market the heck out of it?

Should you work with just one or two clients at a time or take any work you can get?

Both are feasible approaches. We can throw pros and cons at each other all day.



Maya Sayvanova

6-Figure Writer | Featured in Business Insider | Helping solopreneurs succeed | Sign up here: https://rb.gy/jbwa8b