I thought I haven’t cheated, but it turns out I have.
The serious relationship I had when I was in my early 20s was with a guy who was totally a placeholder. Everyone else around me were in relationships so I wanted one too —and the funny thing is, I was happy being single.
But “society” is quick to pity-look that happiness right out of you.
A year later, I found myself in a serious relationship (yay! *eye-roll*) and spent most of my time thinking how to leave it.
To all who are in similar situations, move on. I’m not saying you’ll find true love the moment you leave your unhappy relationship, but you will give yourself permission to make more mistakes (different than the ones you’ve already made) and if you learn the lessons, you’ll eventually become the person you want to be — and the person your dream partner would want to be with.
But that won’t happen while you’re with a placeholder.
Thanks for this, Matt!